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Know you have the strength.

Breath and allow yourself a moment of calm before facing your challanges.


Life can throw you curve balls and give you blocks you have to climb over.  Rutile quartz can help you to feel strong as you get through life's changes and difficulties. This type of healing crystal is great for helping you to be able to feel calm and relaxed when things get hectic.


Your polished Rutile is extremely gorgeous! You can see from the photos the beautiful golden strands of titanium dioxide that go from the very top to almost the bottom of your gemstone.  It's a beautiful shape that's unique.  There are curved and flat areas, each of which are lovely and smooth to the touch.


I have used a heavy gauge sterling silver wire and a single silver bali floral bead on top to create your pendant.  It measures over 1 inch tall by 3/4 inch wide.  You can choose to have it arrive ready to wear on a necklace or add it to your own necklace.  

Rutile Quartz Pendant Sterling Silver

  • Calming energy
  • Promotes healthy sleep
  • Self healing powers
  • Lifting depression
  • Letting go of past hurts
  • Enhancing telepathic and clairvoyance skills
  • Dealing with life changes
  • Connection to guardian angels

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